Command | Options | Description |
1. gzip | gzip etl_code eg:etl_code.gz | |
gunzip etl_code.gz eg: etl_code | ||
zip file*sql eg: | ||
unzip eg:file*sql | ||
| ||
2. tar | create backup of files recursively. | |
-cvf eg :tar -cvf /home/gagan/sqlbackup ./*.sql | ||
- x eg:tar-xcvf /home/gagan/sqlbackup ./*.sql | files are restored using -x option. | |
| ||
3. Cut | -c <column start and no> eg : cut -c -5,6-12 test file | column (by specifying position). C stands for column cut. |
-f <field start and end no> eg:cut -f 1,5 test file | field (default deliminator tab). F stands for field cut. | |
'-d -f <field start and end no> eg: cut -d "|" -f 1,5 test file | new file | Cut the field b/w 1 and 5 and piped the output to new file. | |
4. sort | sort test file | By default the sorting starts with first character of each line., tabs 2. numerals 3.uppercase letters 4. Lower case letters. |
-t eg : sort -t "|" +2 test file | Sorting starts from 3rd field skipping 2nd field, overring the default.delimiter to distinguish b/w start and end of field. | |
-r eg : sort -t \| -r +2 test file | Reverse sort starting with 3rd field. | |
eg : sort -t \| +2r test file | The above command can be written in another way. | |
-o eg : sort -o abc.txt abc_sort.txt | save sorted data in file. | |
eg : sort -t "|" +1 -2 +3 <> | Sorting based on different field as in case of order by clause.Sorting starts with 2nd field then with 4th field, -2 indicate to stop the sorting after 2nd field and resume it with 3rd field. | |
-n eg : sort -n <> | Numeric sort. | |
-u eg : sort -u <> | Unique sort. | |
5.paste | -d eg:paste -d "|" <> <> | deliminator. |
| || | eg : tr '|\' '~-' <test.txt | translate all | with ~ and \ with - . |
eg : tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z] <test.txt | translate to upper case. | |
-d eg : tr -d '|' test.txt | delete all occurrence of | . | |
| ||
7.uniq | Unique require sorted file as input. | |
-u eg : cut -d "|" -f3 <>|sort|uniq -u | remove duplicate. | |
-d eg: cut -d "|" -f3 <>|sort|uniq -d | select only dup records. | |
-c eg : cut -d "|" -f3|sort|uniq -c | duplicate count. | |
8.Changing time stamp | touch mon date hrs mins <file>. | |
ls -lt | time of last modification | touch -m 01290430 <file>. |
ls -lu | time of last access | touch -a 01290415 <file>. |
| ||
9.Change Date | date 09181754 | |
10.wall | wall -g dba "hello" | to selectively send msg to dba group. |
11.shutdown | shutdown -g2 | power down after 2 mins. |
shutdown -y -g0 | immediate shutdown. | |
shutdown -y -g0 -i6 | shutdown and reboot (init level 6). | |
shutdown 17:30 | shutdown at 17:30. | |
shutdown -r now | shutdown immediate and reboot. | |
12. du | Disk usage. | |
du /home/expimp/create_db | tree output for each directory inside. | |
du -s //home/expimp/create_db | summary. | |
13.find | find <loc> <option> <pattern> <action> | find in root dir abc in emp.lst file |
'-mtime = mod time eg: find . -mtime -2 -print | find file modi in less then 2 days. | |
'atime = access time eg: find . -atime +365 -print | find the file not accessed in last 1 year. | |
! –newer eg: find / -name "*.pl" ! -newer last_backup -print | file modi before last_backup. | |
-size. eg: find . -size +2048 -print | files greater then x blocks. | |
-a (and) -o (OR) eg: find . \( -name "*.sh" -o -name "*.lst" \) -print | double quotes necessary. | |
-exec eg: find . -atime +180 -ok rm -f {} \; | remove the files which are not modi for last 20 days | |
-ok eg: find . -atime +180 -ok rm -f {} \; | before removing prompt for confirmation. | |
xargs eg: find . -mtime +20 | xargs rm -f | remove all file rm will be executed only once. | |
xargs -n -p –t eg:find . -mtime +20 | xargs -n20 -p -t rm -f | remove at max 20 files in batch and in interactive mode. | |
-type eg: find / -name log -type f -print | f for file and d for directory. | |
-prune eg: find . -name *.log -prune exe –print. | don't descend exe directory. |
Zipping Files
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