Command | Option | Description |
1. Uname | | To find the version of unix os | To find the machine name | |
2. Man | | man grep | man -e grep | man -k copy | | Print the user manual for any command. | To find the user manual for grep command. | One line definition of grep usage. | Helpful when we donot know which command will solve the purpose.e.g :- gives the different option available for copying. | |
3.Cal | | Print the calendar year or month | Print the calendar 2009 year | Print calender for current december month | |
4. Date | date | date +%m | date +%h | date +'%h%m' | date +%d | date +%y | H,M and S | | Tue Mar 09 07:10:10 IST 2009 | 3 | March | Mar-03 | 10 | 9 | | |
5.Who | who | who am I | who -H | who -u | | Login details of all the users in system | Login details for only myself | Login details for all users with headers info | Login details for only active users | |
6.Passwd | | |
7.Lock | | lock the terminal for 45 minutes | |
8.Bc | | | | | ls -x | ls -F | ls -a | ls -r | ls -x abc | ls -R | ls -ld | ls -il testfile | ls -lt | ls -ltr | ls -lut | | To Print the contents of current directory. | Prints Multi column output of files with their names. | To Print only directoris and executable files.< * > indicate all files containing executable code and </> indicate the directories. | Print all files including hidden files. <a> stands for all. | Reverse the sort order of all the files with their names. | Print the content of abc directory. | Print all files and sub-directories in directory TREE. | Print all the directories. | Prints the inode number of file. | Prints all the file with their last modification time keeping latest modified at top. | Prints all the file with their last modification time in reverse order keeping last modified at bottom. | prints last access time of files. | |
10.Cat | | cat testfile | cat > testfile | | Print the content of any file. | Create a new file with testfile name. | | |
11.CP | | cp -i testfile abc | cp -r abc newabc | | To copy file and directories. | copying testfile to abc directory interactively. | copying entire directiry structure abc to newabc recursively. | |
12.rm | | rm -f newabc | rm -r newabc | | All the options of cp command is applicable for rm command. | Removing directory newabc forcefuly. | Recursive deletion will not remove the write protected files. | |
13.lp | | Used for Printing the files | |
14.Split | | split testfile | split -72 testfile | split testfile newfile | | To split the big files in different small files of 1000 lines each<default>. | Split the files into small files. | change the default split line size to 72. | Renaming the testfile to new name as <newfile>. | |
15. Cmp comm Diff | | These three command are used to find the difference in two files | |
16.wc | | wc -w testfile | wc -c testfile | wc -l testfile | wc testfile | | Print the numbers of words, lines and character in the file | |
17.Path | PATH=$PATH:/home/ gagan:/home/deep | Set the path variable for SHELL to use these directory path to locate the executables commands. |
18.stty | stty -a | | stty intr \^c | stty eof \^a | | Print current setting of terminal | To delete the character during backspacing | To change the interrupt key to Ctrl c instead of 'DELETE' default | To change the termination control of input during file creation using cat command from Ctrl d to Ctrl a. | |
19.Alias | alias | alias l ='ls -ltr' | alias showdir ='cd $1;ls -l' | unalias | | Print all the alias set in the system. | To create short hand names of command. | Passing positional parameter ETL to showdir alias will take us to that directory. | To redefine and unset the alias. | |
20.History | | history -5 | history 10 15 | HISTSIZE 1200 | | To find the previous command that has been used. | Print the last 5 command that has been used. | Every command has event number. Display event number between 10 an d15. | To change the defalult setting of command history saving feature. | |
21. r !! | | Repeat previous command in Korn | Repeat previous command in Bash Repeat previuos to prevoius command | Repeat the command with 20 event number. | | |
22.Tilde(~) | | Changes control to home directory | Changes absolute path home directory of user a_cmdb, the value of home directory can be seen by $HOME environment variable | | - | | To switch between current working directory and most recently used directory. | |
24.chmod | | chmod u+rwx newfile | chmod g+x newfile | chmod 757 newfile | chmod 457 newfile | chmod -R a+x abc | chmod -R 001 . | | Changing the permission of file for user <u>, group <g>, others <o> or all <a> with + as assign , - as remove and = as absolute permission.r read<4>, w write<2> and x execute<1>. | | | | | Recursively changes the permission to execute for all directory and sub directory in abc directory for all users. | . Indicate the current directory. | |
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